Managers Quickstart
NB: These instructions are outdated and will be modified shortly for BenchApp.
- Install (TBD) on your mobile device
- Make sure you see your team. If you do not see your team, reach out to to get it fixed.
- Add all team coaches and co-managers as team admins (if they aren’t already).
- Once
the registrar imports your team roster, review it for any problems and
help parents to get access as needed. You should be able to add any
additional player contacts as needed.
- Enter the away games (see “Entering Away Games” below)
- Review
practices to make sure that they do not clash with away games you
entered, but don’t reschedule them yourself (see “Scheduling and
- Review “Do’s and Don'ts” below
Entering Away Games
The BWI scheduler will take care of entering home games and practices into your schedule, but it is your responsibility to enter all away games.
- Open the official league schedule
- Select “Category” (e.g. “9U-B”) and then select your team under “Teams”
- You can either go by week-by-week or choose “All games” under “Schedule Navigation”
- In the TeamLinkt app, select the calendar and use “+” to create a new event
- If the opponent isn’t listed, create a new one using the same naming scheme (e.g. “9U NDG Foo Fighters”)
- To create a new away location, use the list of parks on the LSL site as reference
Scheduling and rescheduling
All official practices and home games need to be scheduled centrally by the BWI scheduler. Do not self-schedule any practices on official BWI fields, because you will likely find that another team is already using the field at that time.
Rescheduling practices
- Email
- Clearly mention the team level and name (“9U Expos”) in the subject
- Describe which practice (date, time) needs to be moved or added
Rescheduling Home games
- Email, and CC the visiting team coaches (see the “Bottin des Entraineurs” document to get their contact info)
- Clearly mention the official game number in the subject (e.g. “Rescheduling game 1234”)
- The scheduler should email back with several dates that work for both teams
- Continue
until a suitable rain-out game date is established and confirmed by the
scheduler; the scheduler will also follow up with the league to get it
on the official LSL schedule
Rescheduling Away games
is the responsibility of the away team to reach out to you, but you may
need to follow up if nothing is happening for a few days after the game
is cancelled. All games are supposed to be rescheduled within 2 weeks
of the original game date, unless there are extenuating circumstances
(e.g. the team has a tournament).
Do’s and Don'ts
- DO
communicate with parents and players using the “Email” functionality in
TeamLinkt. You can also use the “Chat” option for quick updates.
- DO
self-cancel practices if you need to (for rain, attendance, etc
reasons). To cancel a practice, select that practice, go to “Edit” and
change the status to “Cancelled”. Dorval practices may be cancelled by
the scheduler if the city officially closes their fields.
self-cancel HOME games, because this needs to be done by the scheduler.
Your coaches should have their own set of instructions on how to
properly cancel a home game.
- DO self-cancel AWAY games once the other team notifies you that a game is cancelled.
reschedule any existing practices or create new practices if they use
official BWI baseball fields. See “Scheduling and Rescheduling” for
- DO
create social team events (e.g. pizza lunches) or practices for
running/fielding drills if they use public parks, disused school fields,
or someone’s backyard.
- DO
use the TeamLinkt chat functionality to contact other BWI teams as
needed, for example when looking for call-ups (see under the “League”
tab in “Chat”).
Batting practices at the Sarto Batting Cage
We have a batting cage at the Sarto-Desnoyers batting field that is available exclusively to BWI.
If you aren't already using Sarto-Desnoyers for your practices, the cage is available at the following times:
- Monday-Friday : 5PM-6:20PM
- Saturday : 3PM-8PM
- Sunday : 1PM-8PM
If you are a 11U team with practices at Sarto, the cage is available to you during your regular scheduled practice times.
Using before games at the Sarto field
there is a game taking place at the Sarto field, please make sure that
your players are not disruptive to the teams preparing for the game. You
must complete your batting practice and leave 10 minutes before the
game starts.
Please request a regular weekly
slot for your team by emailing If
you need to move it some weeks due to a conflict with a game or another
practice, we will find an alternative time that works that week.
Accessing the cage
cage must remain locked when not in use. To unlock the cage, please go
to the Sarto-Desnoyers chalet front desk and sign out the key. They have
the names of all BWI coaches for the current season and may compare
your name against that list.
You must lock the cage after you are
done to prevent theft, vandalism, or unsafe use of the equipment. Return
the key to the chalet reception desk.
Using the pitching machine
- The
cage has a Jugs Sports M1601 pitching machine installed. There is an
operating manual available at the shed where the machine is set up, or
you can read the instructions manual online.
- The machine must be operated by a coach (or a similarly responsible adult).
- There
will be a bucket of orange rubber balls in the same shed. You can also
use regular baseballs, but this will greatly increase their wear and
tear, so it is not recommended.
- When you are done, you must unplug the power cord and keep it fully in the shed so that the plug doesn't get wet or rusted.
- The usual batter safety equipment is required -- helmets, protection cups, etc.
Handy links