Baseball West Island
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Mar 27 2024

2024 Rules Changes

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2024 BQ rules are out and there are some important changes that everyone should be aware of. The most important changes are summarized below, and you can read them for yourself in the published documents (the changes are highlighted in bright yellow):

They are all pretty significant, so please make sure any returning coaches are aware of these changes, especially 9UB and 11UB coaches.

40.6 (b): Shorter games for B teams
  • 9UB-13UB: The last inning is declared after 75 minutes
  • 15UB-18UB: the last inning is declared after 90 minutes

A teams are unchanged (90 minutes for 9U-13U, 105 minutes for 15U-18U).

57: Umpires can eject head coaches if they can't control parents

If, in the judgement of the umpire, a parent (or any other non-member) is disrupting the game, the umpire can:

  1. suspend the game, call head coaches and advise them that if this continues, both head coaches will be ejected (1st warning)
  2. If the situation is not resolved, both head coaches are ejected from the game

The game is suspended at that point and cannot resume until the situation is resolved. The ejected coaches are subject to all the usual rules (suspension, next game started with a penalty, etc). This action cannot be appealed by the coaches.

103.14 (a) (iv): Substituted runners cannot steal bases (all levels and divisions)
  • If a runner is substituted by the last out, that runner can only advance on a hit ball or if forced. 
  • If they reach the next base, the ball is dead and the runner is sent back.

This change was implemented do prevent potential abuse where slower runners were told to fake an injury so that a faster runner could be put in their place.

103.14 (a) (iv): Max runs per inning reduced for B teams
  • 13UB: 3 runs maximum (instead of 5)
  • 15UB-18UB: 4 runs maximum (instead of 5)
  • A teams unchanged
105.3.1: 9UB can now put both pitchers into the outfield
  • New option C for players: both pitchers can be put into the outfield
  • No shift allowed in this configuration (must stay in their respective right-field, left-field area)
  • Fielder configurations can no longer be changed during the same at-bat
105.3.1: 9UB officially allows 2 defensive coaches on the field
  • Previously, only 1 coach was allowed, but umpires were relaxed about applying this rule anyway (the kids are there to learn the game). Now it's officially 2 defensive coaches, positioned behind the infielders.
105.6.3: 9UB runners cannot advance on an out caught in the air
  • On a fly-out or a linedrive-out, any runners on bases must remain on their bases
  • If any runner reaches the next base on an out caught in the air, the ball is dead and they are sent back

This change eliminates sacrifice flies in the 9UB division.

106.7: 11UB T-ball hits are limited to 1 base advance for all runners
  • A batter who hits off the tee is limited to 1 base advance
  • If a ball goes out of play on a defensive error, there is no additional base award
  • Any other runners on bases are also limited to a single base advance
  • If any runner reaches a base they are not entitled to, the ball is dead and they are sent back

The kids are probably going to hate this, but I can see why this was changed. From my position behind the plate, I've seen too many players just stand there hoping to go off the tee, because any runners on base were likely to score even on a mediocre tee hit. With this change, this is much more like an actual base-on-balls where runners only advance a single base. Unfortunately, this also means more boring 11UB games.

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